Building Schools
In collaboration with our partners, Develop Africa and Build a School in Africa, we were fortunate to be able to make an impact in the lives of hundreds of youth who, despite facing adversity, had the determination to continue their education to unlock their true potential.
Diassadian School in Rural Gongasso in Mali

In collaboration with Build a School in Africa, we were able to raise funds to help build a school in Diassidian that would serve more than 200 students who would have otherwise had to walk more than 7 km to school or would have joined the 80% of students in the community who are forced to abandon school before grade 5. With your support, we are building a brighter future for these future leaders!
Kamawornie Nursery School in Sierra Leone

We were fortunate to be able to contribute to the construction of the Kamawornie Nursery School in Sierra Leone, which will help children gain an invaluable foundation and ensure the successful completion of the rest of their education. In response to Develop Africa's request for further funding, we contributed your donations toward this admirable goal to help construct structural elements and ensure the facility provides a safe learning environment.
Recently, Develop Africa finished the construction of a new classroom named the Ubuntu For Humanity Classroom, which will “serve as a place of education and a symbol of unity, compassion, and the positive change that Ubuntu for Humanity stands for.”